MARCH 2016
1.1 Saving Lives Project was established by VBME-T with Public Health, Trafford Council and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) NHS in March 2015 with a one-year delivery plan, focusing on improving the public health screening uptake in BME communities. While working with existing services, the aim of the project was to reduce inequalities and improving health outcomes in the North Trafford locality, create awareness and ultimately improve results in an increased number of people from BME communities attending screening and health checks. This would be reflected by the Public Health Outcomes framework indicators.
1.2 National screening programmes and NHS Health Checks show that there is a significantly low number of BME take up in the North Locality of Trafford, which has the highest levels of deprivation and also a high population of Black and minority ethnic (BME) communities in comparison to Trafford’s average.
1.3 Trafford Health and Wellbeing strategy 2013-16 states that People of Black or Asian ethnicity are at higher risk of developing long-term health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease. It is also apparent that in relation to cervical screening life expectancy for women in Gorse Hill, is 5 years less than women in Hale Central. Early diagnosis and disease prevention can significantly improve the health of residents in Trafford and the awareness-raising of the Savings Lives Project has been vitally important.
1.4 Health professionals working in support of VBME-T Saving Lives Project across the North locality have been from Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council, Trafford Public Health, Clinical Commissioning Group, Cancer Research UK.
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