Health inequalities is a priority within BME communities in the North area of Trafford. The VBMET focuses on adult residents men and Women, from local groups and organisations from the BME communities in Trafford.
Facts :
- The North area has one of the lowest average life expectancy rates within the borough and that ‘the area has higher than the Trafford average death rates for cancer, liver disease, respiratory disease and heart disease.’
- Men from the most deprived areas have over ten years shorter life expectancy than men from the least deprived areas, while women from the most deprived areas live over six years less that those from the least deprived areas.
- JSNA(Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) highlights the need to improve awareness about these diseases in order to promote the seeking of early medical assistance in the most deprived areas and amongst the Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and African-Caribbean communities.
- South Asian men are more likely to develop CHD at a younger age, and have higher rates of myocardial infarction, (heart attack). Black people have the highest stroke mortality rates’.
- Trafford Partnership Neighbourhood event identified health inequalities as among the top priorities in the north as well as the need for a health and wellbeing hub.