MAPLE Project:
Voice of BME Trafford have been in some exciting partnerships recently and one of them is the Trafford’s MAPLE partnership aimed at prevention and wellbeing in the borough, commissioned by Public Health Trafford. The aim of the partnership is to work in collaboration to achieve:
Mental health improvement
Active aging
Preventing ill health
Learning Disability and Autism Support
Engaging with BME communities
We have been partnered with since March 2017 and our work focuses on the Public Health priorities. This partnership consists of 9 organisations working on ‘prevention and early intervention agenda and has been overseen by our lead partner, Age UK Trafford. VBMET has been contributing to Public Health’s priorities by promoting NHS Health screenings and health checks, this is a very important and needed programme that meets our health agenda priorities for the Trafford community. With this intervention we have successfully booked 611 screenings since March 2017 to Dec 2018.
We also as part of our Maple project work with four Trafford Medical Practices helping them to achieve their national target of screening. To achieve this, a dual approach has been adopted, that is we, work closely with the medical practices and build on outreaching into the community by holding regular and engaging community events.
We also hold regular community events under the banner of ‘Live well, live longer 50+ Club’ this health initiative event promotes strong healthy life style changes for improved wellbeing. In addition to this, we have designated ‘Health Mentors’ that provide a service that supports one to one dialogue and encouraged support for our BME Trafford communities.
We have now included the appointment of a BME Male engagement worker to support the engagement with BME men in the community hence, promoting health screening (including AAA screening) and healthy lifestyles amongst 50+ males too!
‘Power of Mind’ project:
VBMET has been awarded funding by Bluesci support to deliver two mental health and wellbeing workshops. This is our second time for delivering this programme as the first one was a resounding success. Please see below some of the comments from the feedback from those who took part. Our programme is based on CBT interventions and techniques to improve mental health and wellbeing. The six weeks programme is aimed to be delivered in the community from two different locations. Sessions are delivered by qualified therapists. We monitor and support the wellbeing of the attendees using the Warwick Edinburgh Wellbeing Scale. We ensure we also sign post to other agencies for more integrated support where needed. Our latest programme is starting soon on 6th March 2019 10am – 1pm (Refreshments provided) Please see leaflet advertisement below, we look forward to seeing you, call for more details and register your place.
Session in Limelight- Power of Mind
REACT Project:
VBMET has worked with the University of Manchester on a pilot project REACT (Risk Estimation of Additional Cancer Testing) for better health. Led by a team in Manchester University is to develop and test a pharmacist & community-delivered cancer symptom risk assessment tool. The aim is to raise awareness and promote early diagnosis of cancer. To help communities gather a better idea of their risk to cancer, with information to help improve lifestyles in order to reduce risk. The project is part of Manchester’s cancer plan and approved by the GM Cancer Board. VBMET have been able to contribute again to a preventative programme that improves the health agenda across Trafford.
Health Engagement Group:
Our Health Engagement Group brings together people from the communities in Trafford living with health conditions to meet with health professionals. These BME people are those who, have recently received, or are currently receiving treatments from the Health services; they can voluntarily devote their time to attend these meetings hence creating dialogue and understanding that can improve frame works. They are well placed to inform health professionals about their experience of the care of the services, and advice on improvements required to address culturally sensitive needs of patients.
Meetings are held regularly to discuss health issues, community engagement in Health activities or creating awareness about Well-being. This Group is an example of proactive work that directly assists the Council and Partners in “responding to the local impact of the global economic downturn”. In addition, the work of VBME-T complements key objectives within the Community Strategy that look to strengthen the voluntary sector, and increase volunteering amongst BME groups.
Our hope is to include more volunteers to engage and to have more opportunities to bring communities, practitioners and key stakeholders to the table for more healthy discussions and make unified progress on key matters of health and for VBMET in particular for the BME communities in Trafford.
VBMET Health Mentors
Our health Mentors have a valuable role in supporting local people on a one to one basis (when required) to assist their lifestyle choices with building stronger relations in the community. Helping to signpost to organisations such as our MAPLE Partners. Our Mentors can support their progress and create links within our health programmes and activities. A personable approach to health needs recognising that individual basis of support is still a vital way to help the health agenda.